Special Conditions of Hire during Covid-19 restrictions


These Special Conditions of Hire run in parallel with the Social Hall’s ordinary Conditions of Hire, dated August 2019.  They do not supersede them.

The hirer will:

1.       Take responsibility for ensuring those attending their events comply with Covid-19 Secure Guidelines while entering and occupying the Hall.  The Guidelines are displayed on the front door of the Hall.  Special attention should be paid to:

·         Complying with whatever guidelines are in place at the time for wearing facemasks in enclosed spaces

·         Taking a register of all participants for each session; and keeping that record for 28 days.  In addition, the hirer will preare and print a NHS Covid App QR code for their group and ensure that users scan that code on entry to the hall.

2.       Understand and be comfortable with the statements made in the Social Hall Committee’s Risk Assessment.  Hirers will be supplied with a copy.

3.       Clean the door handles, light switches, window catches, equipment (belonging to both the Committee and hirer), toilet handles and seats, and all hard surfaces used during occupation before other members of the group arrive and again on leaving.

4.       Make sure that everyone in their group likely to attend an activity in the Hall understands that they must not do so if they or anyone intheir household has had Covid-19 symptoms in the last seven days; and that if they develop symptoms in the next seven days they must use the Test, Track and Trace system to alert others with whom they have been in contact.

5.       Keep the Hall well ventilated during use (and close any windows before leaving).

6.       Ensure that no more than 25 people attend the activity, and that everyone attending maintains social distancing inside and outside the Hall, and within the toilet lobby.  This is especially important when vulnerable people are present.

7.       Position all furniture in a way that maintains social distancing.

8.       Dispose of all rubbish generated by the activity in the bags provided and take it away on leaving.

9.       Agree not to use the Hall’s kitchen or kitchen equipment.

10.   Follow the Social Hall’s Covid-19 Contingency Plan if any member of the group displays symptoms while on the premises.

The hirer must also accept that the Social Hall Committee has the right to close the Hall or to refuse bookings for particular user groups if these Special Conditions of Hire are not met.


Social Hall Committee