Minutes of an Annual General Meeting for 2021/22

Tuesday 7 June 2022

1.         Welcome and Apologies.  Viv Taylor, Chair of the Committee, welcomed members of the community, Trustees and Committee Membersto the meeting.  Total attendance was twelve.  Apologies had been received from Mandy Howell, David Ellis, Ken Ferson and Michael Townsend.

 2.         Minutes of an AGM held on 19 October 2021.  The AGM approved the minutes of the meeting: proposed, John Martin,seconded, Pat Brooke, all agreed.

 3.         Matters arising.  All matters arising appeared for discussion later in the agenda.Viv Taylor reported that Amy Muldrew had been co-opted to the Committee in February 2022 under Section 3 of the Hall Constitution and she would be seeking election at this AGM.

 4.         Chair’s Annual Report.  Viv Taylor’s Report concentrated on the final lifting of Covid-19 restrictions and the Committee’s role in reviving village activity.  Sadly, the lock-downs had led to the demise of two regular user groups.  The Committee had run a Harvest Supper and a Christmas Dinner, and had been pleased to contribute to the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  The report also touched on likely maintenance costs in the future.  Hilary Paskinsproposed that the Report should be accepted, seconded Barry Nelson, all agreed.

 5.         Hon. Treasurer’s Report and Approval of the Accounts.  The Hon.Treasurer reported that Covid-19 restrictions had led to a considerable decrease in booking fees during the year, resulting in an operational deficit for 2021/22.  This had been offset by a government grant, which had contributed to a healthy balance in the bank and savings accounts.  Jill Olleyproposed that the Report and Accounts should be approved, seconded Hilary Paskins, all agreed.

 The AGM thanked Marylyn Nelson for auditing the 2021/22 accounts.

 The Treasurer added that it was inevitable that booking fees would have to rise but that the Committee had yet to determine the amount.  It was important that any increase did not deter regular and potential users.  Viv Taylor proposed that the Committee should be authorised to raise the booking fees by a ‘reasonable amount’, seconded Hilary Paskins, all agreed.

 6.         Election of the Social Hall Management Committee.  Viv Taylor reported that Davis Ellis had asked to resign from the Committee following manyyears of the greatestservice.  Committee members will miss his wise advice and practical help.  The AGM asked that its thanks should be recorded in the minutes. Otherwise, current members of the Committee were happy to stand again; and Alan Warner, present at the meeting, expressed an intertest in becoming a Committee member.

 Pat Brooke proposed that the current Committee, plus Alan Warner but less David Ellis should be elected en bloc.  Seconded Jill Martin and all agreed.  Committee Membersfor 2022/23 are thus: David Brooke, Mandy Howell, John Martin, Amy Muldrew, Barry Nelson, Jill Olley, Hilary Paskins, Viv Taylor and Vaughn Thornell and Alan Warner.

 7.         Election of Officers.  Current officers were willing to stand again and were re-electeden bloc: proposed Hilary Paskins, seconded Jill Olley, all agreed.:

 Chair                          Viv Taylor              

Vice-Chair                 Vaughn Thornell    

Hon. Secretary                     David Brooke                       

Hon. Treasurer                     Graeme Winn                      

 7.         Any other business.  Three matters were raised:

 ·         Tony Davison behalf of the Social Hall Trustees, thanked the Committee forits hard work, and particularlyin getting the Hall up and running following the Covid-19 pandemic.

 ·         Alan Warner asked that the range of activities relating to grounds maintenance should be clarified.  The Committee will do this.

 ·         The Chair thanked all who had made the recent Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations such a success.

 Expressing her thanks to all those attending the AGM, the Chair closed the meeting at 8.15pm.

 David Brooke, Hon. Secretary


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